The KidBeats project takes shape through the coordinated work of all partners. Who works in each organization?
People, values and ideas that we want to share with our audience.
We start the presentations with Krisztina Andrási, researcher at the ELTE Babylab.

Who are you?
My name is Krisztina Andrási, and I am a psychologist currently working at the ELTE Babylab – a research lab investigating young children’s cognitive and social development at the Eötvös Loránd University, in Budapest, Hungary.

What’s the organization’s role in the project?
In the KidBeats project, we are involved in the planning and the testing of the music device, and we have supported the creative process through highlighting for the collaborative partners important developmental milestones and characteristics of the target group – namely, preschool aged children. Furthermore, our aim was to advocate for the creation of a tool that inspires children’s curiosity and could potentially promote their psychological well-being.

Why did your organization decide to join the project?
We have joined the project with my colleagues, Dr. Ildikó Király, because we found the premise of the project – creating a sustainable and child-friendly music device that children could use independently – inspiring. Furthermore, we believe that developmental psychology has a lot to offer for creating digital tools that may serve children’s well-being, however, this knowledge often remains in academic circles. The KidBeats project is thus a great opportunity to apply this knowledge in a practical setting.

How do you see the future of the project?
We hope that as more and more children start to use this device, it can be further developed based on their feedback, and that it may become a tool available for as many children as possible – even for those who are living in more difficult circumstances.